Méo a commencé à jouer de la guitare à l’âge de 12 ans. Pendant son secondaire, de 1988 à 1992, Il joue avec plusieurs bands de garage et agi à titre de batteur et guitariste pour le band sénior, junior et Francomania de l’École Secondaire Régionale de Hawkesbury. En 1995 Méo enregistrait son tout premier album de 12 pistes, intitulé “Its For real”, suivi d’un deuxième album en 1999 intitulé “Inssobofa” dont Il a composé 50% de la musique et des paroles. De 1995 à aujourd’hui, Méo continu de progresser à travers son expérience de studio, de scène, de télé et d’améliorer son son en s’associant à des artistes comme Damaged Goods, Q-Dsac, See Four Blues Band, Michel Séguin Lavigne (The Road Hammers, In and Out), Mario Lessard, Jim Zeller, JD Slim, les Dale Hawerchuk, Mike Lapensé et Sonya Lapensé.

 De 2002 à 2006, Méo joue pour la formation Lachutoise Q-Dsac. Avec Q-Dsac et en participant à plusieurs concours dont Envol et Macadam 2006, Emergenza 2003, Emergenza Acoustique, Le Challenge Live Molson Dry CKOI 2004 et 2005, Le Guitare Héros et bien d’autres, Méo a eu l’opportunité de se faire voir et de se faire entendre sur des scènes tels que,  Le Club Soda, Le petit Café Campus, L’Alizé, Le Syndrome, les studios de Cool FM, Le Top Shot, Le Déja Vu, pour ne nommer que ceux là.

Présentement, Méo travail avec le band Véronica Speedwell de Montreal. Vous allez avoir la chance en 2007 de voir et d'enttendre ce groupe composé de cinq membres dont, Vaughn (Vocal), Chris (Keyboards), Frank (Bass), Dan Legault (Drums) ainsi que Méo (Guitar).


Mario Guindon, also known as Méo, is a quite an accomplished artist. After working with several artists from Montreal, Ottawa and the surroundings, Méo is ready to face the public with his own compositions.

Méo started playing guitar at the age of 12. During his high school days, from 1988 to 1992, he would play in several garage bands and acted the drummer and guitarist for the senior band, the junior band and for Francomania of the Regional Secondary School of Hawkesbury. In 1995 Méo recorded his very first album of 12 tracks, titled "It’s For real", followed with a second album in 1999 titled "Inssobofa" in which Méo would compose 50% of the music and the words. From 1995 to the present day. Méo continued to progress through his experience in the studio, on stage and continued to improve his sound while working with artists like Damaged Goods, Q-Dsac, See Four Band Blues, Michel Séguin Lavigne (The Road Hammers, In and Out), Mario Lessard, Jim Zeller, JD Slim, Dale Hawerchuk, Mike Lapensé and Sonya Lapensé.

From 2002 to 2006, Méo played lead guitar for a Montral band named Q-Dsac. With Q-Dsac and while taking part in several contests and festivals like Envol et Macadam 2006, Emergenza 2003, Emergenza Acoustic Showcase, the Challenge Live Molson Dry CKOI 2004 and 2005, the Guitar Hero and many others, Méo had the chance of being seen and of being heard on scenes such as, the Club Soda, Le petit Café Campus, Campus, the Trade wind, the Syndrome, Cool FM studios, the Top Shot, Déja Vu, to name only a few.

Throughout his advancement in music, Country Blues Rock occupied an important place in Méo’s style in witch you can hear in his own original material.